Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pinkisl33t #2

I'd Love to be Uploading my Comic to the site right now, but there's something HUGE in my way. called archieve Instability. I can't find the Originals. I can't believe My family's filled an ENTIRE 500GIG drive. It amazes me. I can't understand unless there's TONS of Large Duplicates...


I guess it's unheard of from people whom think that they can Print them out and delete the rest. MY GAWDS! I caught my sister deleting her entire MyPictures folder before any of the pictures could be seen by the family. I went back in and restored them.. *I wiped my forehead on that-one*

I can't believe the Imaculate stupidity my family alows to happen in this family.
the Long-range ones are even worse. Instead of letting us know when she needs something to send us the copies of something she just leaves the pictures on her camera for 2 years while I'm out in NH... Yeah Way to go! I ended up getting thier PAWN-SPECIAL from mom having went down there and saw it lying around or what-not. There's soo much disfuction I am starting to realize what stupidity this world is all about.

Anyways, back to the comic. I've been thinking what the best way to host them is. There is none. I'm just going to post them here and Hope things don't get messy. I wanted you all to know I'm not just "SAYING" that there's comics and show you some sketches.. I have 3 comics. Adura, Pinkisl33t, and a guest comic called. "The Eight" it's a Comic written, and penciled by Steve Requin. He was So nice to chit-chat with on his forum.
There were issues with The Inker. I can't remember her name at the moment. She got really popular, and she couldn't work on it anymore. I'll probley revise this post when I get more definate Info, but I've gotta link his forums, and stuff sometime.

anyways.. Soon to be Posted.. Comics..

Steve's Blog - http://encycloplagiat.blogspot.com/ -(french/canadian)


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spooky Bloom

The Alice shoot was taken in 2005. during a really dry year.

My commentary about WSU, and Kansas support for Trans People.

Set can be found at www.flickr.com


Saturday, October 24, 2009

wavey depressive gravy

Today I did alot.
Believe me. I don't know how it all fit in one day.

I played Cafe world, Secondlife, house, emo gurl, photographer, Music blast, and or coarse I did research.

the research of the day was about transition regret. I heard back-way-when that there was trans people who'd found out or were so confused in their G.I.D. that they pursued going back to their born gender after transition. It's like they say "It's not the Goal. It's the Journey? " I'd have to say It is the Journey, but they don't know that. They're just confused. And G.I.D. isn't always something to solve with a wave of a magic Scalpel. Yes I'm saying For some of us Trans People there's NO GOAL AT ALL. just the journey. it's the road with no end. The long,and lonely road ahead. I myself find that the Goal may be the mirage. I'm humbled by the majority of people who think they can be so sure when they're looking upto Gate-Keepers, and aiming the beliefs at uncertain life decisions. We're not crazy for wanting out ends. We're just the Un-mapped masses. We're just getting a handle on the Gays, and Lesbians. You think you know these things Nemo, but you Don't! Lines from my Mother that speak in a playful sense of reality lerking up on you, and .. .. .. You don't see it coming. Perhaps tomorrow I'll get mine. Perhaps I'll be attacked in a Walmart.. (Yay the first trans gurl to be beated clueless at a Walmart.) Any-how. You all love it when I say nothing at all, and It seems to be the Cost of writing this. Your suffering of the extended time I'm awake.

Well With that I'll leave the Pictures for tomorrow.. Yes I have More Pics. In SL, and of myself..


Friday, October 23, 2009

Sooo Much to say About SL

Well as anyone who has me on a msgr Knows I'm a SL player. I like it cause it makes it seem like i'm going out. But sometimes reality bites back hard, and I don't get back-on for a while.
Yesterday was a great night/morning, and met a bunch of great people. I've got some Pics of the Pritties, and the Handsomes'.

Above is Rode. She's a Great gal. Very outgoing, and I think she could do with some company or the casual goto the mall kind. The group is certainly filled with what nobody would say simple people. I'd have to say I'm one of them kinds.

I have some sad news though. Poor Faith has been thrown to the trash pile again. This time by her Bias Uncle. Seems he didn't give her any warning,
and invited her to a group which then he
promptly ejected her, and Paper from. It's kina hard to keep friends through relationships that attack people like her now Ex-Uncle. Funny that he wouldn't have just said it., But then again Thus is the Secondlife Motto. "Be You, be Screwed, be Nice or the Lindens will ban you."

The one gal I think i'd love to know more about is Rena. She's Very simple, and Defnately a Ying to my yang. I like meeting nice people. Give me a feeling like i don't belong like Faith.. On my back in the trash.

Well that last statement sent me for a down turn. I'll have to watch out for those implied emotional bursts. In any account. He's Rena in all her Beautiful skin colorfulness.

Isn't she Beautiful in her scarlet gown, and gold chains? I think if i'd ever had to be stuck on any alien planet I'd not mind hers.

In personal news I found some old cards from my ex, and in them she says how she loves me, and then i read the top of one, and it says. Bre. Bre is her Exx, and I've spoken with him. He's certainly not trans. he's more of a Con dresser. He knows he looks cute at con's so he doesn't dress except at cons. I'd have to
say it rushes back a Ton of unwanted thoughts. Thoughts like How precisely it is that the words were darn near the same ones she'd said to me when we broke up. Giving Props to my theory of scripted Fake life. Companions on demand, and a whole slew of drama's I won't get started.

So. Back to someone Who does love me. Despite being soo busy Rene =P.

She's always Been there for me. Emotionally, and the rare intimate. She's her own woman. I'm very happy with us.

That's it for this time. More SL to come, and More personal and professional for you..



Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Virgle - Sydney In Space.

Many reasons come to mind when I watched the video for Virgle. I've found myself Thinking about mars Alot at times. I'm not really making any forth-coming progress here on earth, and I feel if i wasn't part of the rat-race things wouldn't revolve around the looks, and feelings as much, and forgiveness is much easier to obtain when your busy working. Plan B as some would say it. Mars is the Exciting new possibility. Nothing like this has been done before, and it's about time someone put their life on the line. Not to get shot or aim to be killed or Kill, but to expand the true reign of humanity. Not as some Viral prolificication, but to see what there is to do. To explore. To move on past these typical mundane thoughts of life that loop back against themselves.

I hope there's some hope for my post-dated Entry.


Finding Some Experience

I'm always looking at other's works. Not because I want them or want to duplicate them, But because they've had experiences I've never had, and Never will have. Joel Meyerowitz Has been through alot of life, and seen so many things. He knows the fuctions and art that is Camera Work. Not something that is to be taken lighty. I am not an understudy. His work will never be my favorite. As much as i Admire what his work shows He's an Inspiration to me. Knowing that I've had My share of Inspiring people. Bob, One of my friends from New England. Showed me many things I couldn't have read in the books. He taught me that While Taking many shots with huge memory, it's not always the amount that guarantees the shot, but the skill, and the Variation between. I doubt if you asked him he'd say he taught me anything. I know it's a Hard struggle through life, and I may never make a friendship like that again. As for Joel Meyerowitz You can judge for yourself. www.joelmeyerowitz.com

Don't forget to Remember to share your Inspirations. They may inspire more people than you. Even if they're second hand.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Comics #003

Something I drew with the Intent to frame it.
My drawing skills are very nice.
When I can get them to come out.


Comics #002

So this one's Brought to you by my sister. She's always telling me that something'll do something or if i'd just get off my butt, and do something, but when I do. There's always a NO answer. Especially when I talk to anyone ahead of time. It makes me feel really bad when I've gotten a No, and have to sit around watching the time I was supposed to be doing something fade into a blank day or hour. same goes with food. As pictured int he comic. I've heard my sister preach on her soap-box, and then get down, and buy the food she said was evil. Or that food that'd rott your face. Or as she puts it. "That stuff's Poison"



Here's something that was told to me. About myself.
I'm not naming names, but I also know I can't be sure of it's certainty.
Despite believing it.


Getting ALONG

Soo many people are fighting, and soo many people are in pain because nobody's listening. So many people have made it their lives to make others happy, and there's not accountability. The topic of today is Getting Along.

For years, and possibly Decades My life's been oriented around making others smile.
My life before my 20's were filled with making use of my good nature, and trying to get everyone in harmony. I think it's futile, and yet I'm made that way. I can't help my good nature. I think it'd take something like my Love killing my entire family in-front of me to change me.

I'm going to tell you what i used to do for fun.
I'd invite people from school to my house and buy soda, and sugar, and chipps, and always be happy to help everyone to a few movies and we'd jump on the trampoline, and swim in the pool, and we'd get along watching movies, working on a car, and trying to be the friends friends would want to have.

Somewhere in the middle it all was preverted

I think it's cause they never knew me at all.
on the other hand I could just be blind to it. Such is the case when being hit-on.

I've had people hate me after saying things that seemed like something basic, and years later now. I've found it could have been a Flirt or a pathetic one. I'm certainly conserned as to the fact I would have figured out I was Trans at somepoint. It's not a matter of if, but a matter of when.

I could have been happy with some people, but they were very confusing to me. I really sometimes think it's better to be alone than try to figure out the drama that is being saught.

And many a time I've gotten the offer to help mistaken with the offer to fornicate. I've never made an action in the fear of being burnt, but usually i'm turning down offers for fear they've got ulterior motives .You can think of it as fear of advancing, but It's kept me for the most part in agony, and physically safe from assault, and learning the greater lessons in life.

Next postings will be a few Comics.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Working on Farms

Yep. I've been workin till the cows come home and the chickens crow in the morning.. I'm not very happy about how things are right now., but know i've got to move my butt to change any of it. SO. look forward to speratic updates. as much as i Can. stories, and art alike.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blogger taking over Pinkisl33t.com
