Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Virgle - Sydney In Space.

Many reasons come to mind when I watched the video for Virgle. I've found myself Thinking about mars Alot at times. I'm not really making any forth-coming progress here on earth, and I feel if i wasn't part of the rat-race things wouldn't revolve around the looks, and feelings as much, and forgiveness is much easier to obtain when your busy working. Plan B as some would say it. Mars is the Exciting new possibility. Nothing like this has been done before, and it's about time someone put their life on the line. Not to get shot or aim to be killed or Kill, but to expand the true reign of humanity. Not as some Viral prolificication, but to see what there is to do. To explore. To move on past these typical mundane thoughts of life that loop back against themselves.

I hope there's some hope for my post-dated Entry.


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