Saturday, October 24, 2009

wavey depressive gravy

Today I did alot.
Believe me. I don't know how it all fit in one day.

I played Cafe world, Secondlife, house, emo gurl, photographer, Music blast, and or coarse I did research.

the research of the day was about transition regret. I heard back-way-when that there was trans people who'd found out or were so confused in their G.I.D. that they pursued going back to their born gender after transition. It's like they say "It's not the Goal. It's the Journey? " I'd have to say It is the Journey, but they don't know that. They're just confused. And G.I.D. isn't always something to solve with a wave of a magic Scalpel. Yes I'm saying For some of us Trans People there's NO GOAL AT ALL. just the journey. it's the road with no end. The long,and lonely road ahead. I myself find that the Goal may be the mirage. I'm humbled by the majority of people who think they can be so sure when they're looking upto Gate-Keepers, and aiming the beliefs at uncertain life decisions. We're not crazy for wanting out ends. We're just the Un-mapped masses. We're just getting a handle on the Gays, and Lesbians. You think you know these things Nemo, but you Don't! Lines from my Mother that speak in a playful sense of reality lerking up on you, and .. .. .. You don't see it coming. Perhaps tomorrow I'll get mine. Perhaps I'll be attacked in a Walmart.. (Yay the first trans gurl to be beated clueless at a Walmart.) Any-how. You all love it when I say nothing at all, and It seems to be the Cost of writing this. Your suffering of the extended time I'm awake.

Well With that I'll leave the Pictures for tomorrow.. Yes I have More Pics. In SL, and of myself..


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