Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My transition is their drug

Sooooo.. as everyone knows that's read this blog.. I have stalkers.. one is my Ex, and some others who don't know they're stalkers as much as they just stalk. 

I have been hard pressed to look through profiles, and messages  and risking letting some in, but what I know is!

Stalkers may give up when confronted, but then they come back, and start all over again. My Stalkers have a dyer need to know if I'm talking about them or about something they want to know. For example; anything about My transition is their DRUG. Them knowing my success or failures are creepy at the least. Facebook is now removing a direct Public Search block. This will bring me to their instant enjoyment. I've been noticing a few stalkers in the Facebook world circling friends, and trans persons. Dare I neglect the fact trans people in general are very searching. needing acceptance, and help, and community. the last being a joke. 

There'll always be stalkers, and while they exist. it's important they know they'll be known, and avoided when they cross the spectator line. I'm not a sports person or a celebrity, but where did the beginning of the mass option come.. I'm a person, and giving people sexual gratification or intellectual gratification. Nobody is a slave to others depraved needs.

I'm open to any thoughts on this, and open to updating my post with more insight.
