Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My transition is their drug

Sooooo.. as everyone knows that's read this blog.. I have stalkers.. one is my Ex, and some others who don't know they're stalkers as much as they just stalk. 

I have been hard pressed to look through profiles, and messages  and risking letting some in, but what I know is!

Stalkers may give up when confronted, but then they come back, and start all over again. My Stalkers have a dyer need to know if I'm talking about them or about something they want to know. For example; anything about My transition is their DRUG. Them knowing my success or failures are creepy at the least. Facebook is now removing a direct Public Search block. This will bring me to their instant enjoyment. I've been noticing a few stalkers in the Facebook world circling friends, and trans persons. Dare I neglect the fact trans people in general are very searching. needing acceptance, and help, and community. the last being a joke. 

There'll always be stalkers, and while they exist. it's important they know they'll be known, and avoided when they cross the spectator line. I'm not a sports person or a celebrity, but where did the beginning of the mass option come.. I'm a person, and giving people sexual gratification or intellectual gratification. Nobody is a slave to others depraved needs.

I'm open to any thoughts on this, and open to updating my post with more insight.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A small, but reasonable life

I'm Envious.. Like none before this home, and it's defiance to waste, and shrugging of Micro-life brings me sad yearnings. Some I feel will never meet their conclusive ends.

Having been to Thoreau's Cabin's site, and read many words written by him. With many being driven by my own sadness I realize it may have been the simplest of things that kept him from walking too far into the snow, and holding a stone into the lake. 


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Discussing TG

Discussing Transgender Rights

This is my opinion on how it gets to being more than considered a fad while our fellow travelers get murdered around us.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fighting that invasive Narcissist

As many people know I've got a depressive side.

Every time this comes up. I feel I have to explain it all over again, but it's pretty simple for those of us in PTSD that where physically assulted, and souls of those we knew shown as empty holes.

I can't promise I'll ever get over it. I was so entangled in the belief that the person I trusted, and tried to make feel comfortable, and happy in all aspects of my knowledge. I am not bringing this up to fall deeper into it. It's very easy to use it as a way to stir the pain.

My plot against it is to continue doing something that works, and doesn't, and fails, and thrives.

I've been planting veggies, and fruits for years now. pushing at 4 years easy. The decision to do it was a mistake of considering that everything I'd do would fail. It was my plan. Making that mistake I realized until I fail at it all. It became more fruitful than I'd wanted. and I keep trying bigger. As if to fail worse, but the truth is while the failure is what I hope to succeed at. It doesn't mean I will succeed,

I feel the best clarity of this is contrary-wise I'm growing something. Something I'd otherwise never see around me. something nobody around me would aim for, and to step forward where others don't even try to go. That is the true goal of building myself out of the depression, and the not talking.

Four years ago now. I was sitting in my room avoiding people, and even walmart as it's the only place you can go to limit one's interactions with others. I was on a single word conversation basis with my parents, and had no hope of having a love or a life. not even the Internet could snare me. I was sitting in my room watching sun rises, and sunsets, and eating what was brought to me.

Nobody forgets when that happens to them. It's sad, and soul pulling. I found myself wanting to kill myself again. the previous time being a failure. I was wanting to show people that I was death. I wouldn't be able to grow anything, A curse of soil as I touched it. Despite that it's very obvious it was a test of what i felt was lost to re-engage my social, and family connections.

Family wasn't anything close to helpful, but they were there, full of issues they'll never get past, and having nothing to say about it made me understand I didn't need them, and they didn't need me. Neither does anyone else in the world. The strength of humanity has to come from somewhere else. I don't know where to this very day, but I do enjoy talking to those who'll have me, and exersize the social chit chattery we've been raised to notice in a checkout lane. I feel it's better than a snickers or milkyway chocolate bar.

So by avoiding anyone who's cause me tears, and building my life around Only those who've wanted me. I feel I've grown as a person.

Sydney's Field Call Playlist 2012 version


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Trains, and Weddings

I've been thinking about these so hard my brain has taken on a world of it's own.

firstly I have to tell you I just found a dress that may fit! the wedding party is in august, but not many people are happy with a hot wedding.

My dreams are a mish-mosh of things i'm going through, and bad controlling things.

I fear that I'm fighting becoming a bridezilla without even having the money to zilla around. Last night I drempt I was showing off, and a bunch of people were trying to stop me from walking out of town down the railroad tracks, and they stopped me by knocking me out. I woke just in time to escape from them, and when I headed down the tracks I saw narrow gauge rails, and heard trolleys. This primarily comes from needing to make the parade float accurate, and I'm finding it hard to succeed even to the quality as last year.

I've come to realize that while the doll drivers, and the stuffed animals that surrounded them were signs of my happiness trying to be trilled back to life. I can't for the life of me find why I was running from my soon to be bro-in-law. and why I was also dreaming about taking care of a kid that wasn't mine.

I want to know why these things are so random, and yet feel like a world all their own. I have more of a life there sometimes than I have here in 1 month.

The wedding plans will be posted next. Ideas, and things I'm definitely able and happy to do.
